Building a Freshers Resume

2 min readJun 12, 2021


A résumé sometimes spelled resume, called a CV ( Curriculum vitae ) in English outside North America, is a document created and used by a person to present their background, skills, and accomplishments.

A company get thousands of resume for a single job position and you are one of them who has applied for that job, the problem is they don’t have much time to read every single of them.

So how you should design your resume to make it stand out?

There are few things to keep in mind while building a resume as a fresher.

1. Format

☐ Use simple and consistent design, font sizing, and spacing

☐ Use Black or dark readable link

☐ Format as PDF

2. Content

☐ Include your contact information and email at the top

☐ Don’t include an objective statement

☐ Avoid including references

☐ Show your projects, Internships and accomplishment

3. Length

☐ Keep to one page for internship roles and no longer than two pages

☐ Include what’s relevant for the specific topic

☐ Use bullet points rather than making paragraphs unnecessarily long

For technical and engineering candidates

☐ List of programming languages at the top

☐ List your Github profile or other prominent open source work

Sites that offer templates to build resumes

Zety Resume Builder





